Azarbayjan / near the Arasbaran forests
Lovely foggy mood .. wonderful & colorful shot !
28 May 2008 8:12pm
Fantastic greenery!Love it!Beautiful work!
28 May 2008 8:47pm
Beautiful shot. I like the intense greens.
28 May 2008 9:04pm
i like this composition & colors = perfect shot.
راستي من عكاسي ديجيتال رو سالها پيش با همين المپيوس اي20 ياد گرفتم.
خيلي دوربين ماهيه.
29 May 2008 10:26am
@. . _Reza Nia _ . .: ee pas man omidvar basham!? man ba Casio Qv 4000 shuru kardam :) hala inja residam! :))) kheili mamnon az hozuretoon
27 Mar 2009 11:41am
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OLYMPUS E-20,E-20N,E-20P1/100 secondF/5.6ISO 8030 mm